niehler freiheit e.V.

Calling Peter x Soer x Young Diver & die Tropenboys


Date: Sat 16 November

Admission: 18:30

Start: 19:00

Calling Peter - Uncle Peter said: “Club music with a reggae touch. Great job.” After a phone
call, we agreed on a compromise: reggae is more likely to be consumed outside of our band
We make club music, but without electronic aids. But you can still dance. So in short, indie
pop with deep lyrics, catchy melodies and intricate beats. Until then, goodbye.
Soer - sister, south & beer. We like all of that, but above all it means making music together
for us - intuitively, intimately and intensively. The result is sounds that are dominated by the
voice and are always accompanied by a varied selection of instruments.
Quiet and loud, slow and fast, chanson and folk - we are not limited to a specific style. We
are Soer.
No wedding without tears and no funeral without laughter. Young Diver & die Tropenboys
are hard and heartbroken and move with German lyrics and their sound hybrid in the
Bermuda quadrangle between pop, funk, punk and rap. They celebrate the big in the small.
Sometimes dancing , sometimes trampling in the midst of exuberance and melancholy but
always with humor.